For district data submitters and others that need to work with data systems, here are some helpful pages to
Central Login
Central Login is the ODE application that allows you to access all the different ODE applications you may need to do your job. If you have been assigned specific data collections, or other things that require you to login to an ODE secured application, you will want to contact your district's security administrator. If you don't know who that is, you can find out by going to the
DSA Locator .
Schedule of Due Dates
Schedule of Due Dates application is a public application that provides you with a page look at all collections, reviews and validations, by year. This site also gives you the dates (open, close, etc.), and who to contact if you have questions.
The specific data owners (contacts) may have listservs for their collections as well. If this is your first year, you may want to email each collection data owner and let them know who you are and ask if there is a listserv or anything else that you need to know. A list of data owners can also be found on the
District Site Collection home page by clicking on the "by data owner" link at the top.

Assessment & Accountability Updates
Assessment & Accountability Updates are located on the ODE public website. These monthly newsletters are super helpful to everyone by giving specific dates to pay attention to, and contact information. Known as the AA Update, and you can sign-up to receive an email monthly.
News Releases & Executive Memos
ODE News Releases & Executive Memos
The ODE regularly sends out news releases to provide important information to the public. News releases can be found grouped by year they were put out. Executive Numbered Memos are used to provide notification and communication of changes in ODE policies, state statute or requirements to local school districts. They are grouped by school year as well.
There are also various subscriptions available, allowing you to receive email notifications when ODE releases education news. The
Education Update page has a subscribe link, or you can
subscribe to email updates.
Required Monthly Submission and Reporting Calendar
This published page is an effort to consolidate all the submissions and reporting requirements for LEA's and ESD's. This work is part of the grant consolidation project. The webpage is here
Included in this calendar: data collections, validations, reviews, grant reporting and other required submissions.
Not included in this calendar: optional surveys or other optional submissions, competitive grants; ESD and Charter School-specific submissions; and Educator Advancement Council (EAC), Youth Development Division (YDD), Juvenile Detention Education Program (JDEP), and Youth Corrections Education Program (YCEP) grants. (We plan to add competitive grants; ESD, YCEP/JDEP; Charter School, EAC and YDD submission information for the 2024-25 school year.)In an effort to provide high quality customer service to our districts, we invite your questions and feedback, including letting us know about any inaccurate or missing submission information. We kindly ask that you email us at