Data Collection Committee (DCC) is an advisory committee to the Oregon Department of Education on the collection of data from Oregon schools, school districts, and educational service districts. This committee provides ODE with valuable feedback for current and proposed data collections.
- The DCC consists of representative members of ODE staff, school and district staff, ESD staff, and SIS vendors. The purpose of the Data Collection Committee is to provide all participants with feedback on the current data collection processes, and to allow a venue to share information and update members on changes to our state data collections.
- The ODE Director of Application Development and Business Analysts manage the annual change request process, providing school districts and ESD’s time to give input, and implement technical and policy updates if necessary.
- Collection change request window takes place each November/December
- Draft change approval occurs in January
- DCC is presented with proposed changes in February
- The ODE Director of Application Development will call the meetings.
- The DCC meets monthly, with in-person meetings every February and August.
- Agendas and handouts will be available prior to meeting.
- The person who requested the agenda item is responsible for the presentation to the committee.
The Data Collection Committee has online meetings the 1st Tuesday of each month, from 1:30-3PM, unless a Holiday or other occasion requires us to change. The exception is our twice a year in-person meetings.
In-person meetings are in August and February and occur on Thursday mornings.
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